Thursday, November 27, 2008

the giving of thanks

For the last several years, whether it be a blog post or teaching a class or leading a small group, I at Thanksgiving have shared the proclamation from George Washington that initiated the holiday of Thanksgiving in the United States. If you've never read it (or even if you have,) you can find it in my post from last Thanksgiving.

This year I feel a sense of quiet and contemplation, and my thoughts are on how flippant I think we can be when we offer thanks to God for his many blessings. I feel like I want to apologize to God for the many who seem to live independently and selfishlly through the year and then offer thanks on this particular day. I'm not saying that such thanksgiving is insincere--praise God that he knows the heart! I just don't want my thankfulness (or anyone else's) to be perfunctory.

It has been a busy fall for me and my family (as evidenced by the decreased frequency of my blog posts) and as we slow down a bit, I want to be, and to stay, mindful of God's hand in my life. This quiet time is a chance to reflect on him and how worthy he is of my trust.

For the rest of my life I'm going to trust that God is always at work in all things, and give him thanks long before my simplest prayers are answered.

- Nancy Parker Brummett

The next time you see me, ask me if I've given thanks today.