Monday, September 17, 2007

what do I really want?

You know, I'm no hero. As a matter of fact, a life not characterized by trial, hardship, burden... That sounds pretty good to me.

Now don't misunderstand; I don't mean to say that I've endured lots of hardship or many trials. I certainly don't wish to say that I've had a hard time or to compare myself with others who to my way of thinking have indeed had it harder than I have. The fact is, I've been richly blessed all my life, but that doesn't mean that there haven't been trials.

What if a trouble-free life was handed to me--would I be happy? I have heard all my life the phrase, "It builds character," and I've got an idea that if suddenly all adversity were removed from my life, my life (character?) would be degraded and a continual downward slide would ensue.


I believe that God is the only character-builder, and as such character is only built in me by adversity as a result of God's use of it in my life. But whether or not there is conflict, burden, or trial in my life, character building of any eternal significance will only occur as I learn to trust God in more and more areas of my life. I think this was what led Oswald Chambers to say

I feel sorry for the Christian who doesn’t have something in the circumstances of his life that he wishes were not there.

I need not fear adversity with God in my life. As a matter of fact, living dependently on God allows me to embrace James 1:2ff, Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials,...


ks said...

I know what you mean. One of the hardest prayers to pray is "Break me, Lord, and remold me in your son's image." It's just plain scary to voice that!
Here's a quote I like: "God has much to offer us, but if we are already full -- of ourselves or the things of this world -- then we have no room to receive."
Darryl Tippens

Mike Messerli said...

good to have you blogging....looking forward to reading your thoughts.