Monday, April 21, 2008

not "all alone"

The Bible knows nothing of solitary religion.

—John Wesley

Satan watches for those vessels that sail without convoy.

—George Swinnock

When my wife and I first joined our church (over 18 years ago--wow, where has the time gone?) there was a large red banner across the back of the auditorium. The banner, in large white lettering, proclaimed Romans 12:5: So we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another. I can still remember my disappointment when the banner was taken down. Recently I began to ponder this verse anew as the latest teaching series at church is a "One Another" series.

The Greek word translated as "one of another" is allēlōn, and I have always been amused that while the English pronunciation sounds somewhat like "all alone," the usage in context points in the opposite direction. Romans 12:5 speaks to our mutual need for each other in the body of Christ; each of us has a unique function within the body according to how God has made, has gifted, us. I'm afraid that some can read this and think something like, "Oh, my church job description!" This at best is an impersonal view of something intended to be very personal; we learn in Ephesians 4:16 that building each other, and ultimately the body, up in love is the goal.

But I have always thought of the banner, hence Romans 12:5, in terms of navigating daily life and how God never intended that I do that alone. Perhaps it isn't really an abuse of context since we are talking about [Christ's] body life. Particularly in the individualistic (can I just say selfish) society in which we live, it is so easy to forget or just plain ignore our need for each other; combine this with my human tendency to withdraw and isolate when problems are encountered, failures occur, etc. and I appreciate just how vulnerable I am!

The teaching series at church has been a great reminder. You may hear a series like that or else read a post like this one and just say, "I know that." But as Samuel Johnson said,
People need to be reminded more often than they need to be instructed.

Remind me (again) and I'll remind you. Bear one another's burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ. (Galatians 6:2)


ks said...

Wow..... this is really good! Thanks. ks

Robyn Rochelle E. said...

thank you for this reminder - in the body a little further than your toe