Sunday, November 18, 2007

know who did it

This morning, I am sitting in my campsite, enjoying a portion of God's creation. Trees. Wildlife. Sunshine. Earlier there was fog. Nature is quite a work, composed of wondrous brush strokes from the Master's hand. I love it, and even though I won't attend church today, I find it very easy to worship Him.

When one talks of creation, I believe that certain specific things typically pop to mind, such as elements of nature. You and I were created by God. If you know Jesus Christ as your savior, as I do, then you are a new creation of his, and he uses us in his good works, his ministries.

I awoke this morning thinking of my friends out in Mississippi. They are wonderful brothers and sisters in Christ; when I was serving as webmaster for my church's website, God used me and others to help them get a small church started (their first contact was through our website.) The wonderful friendship started ten years ago did not start because of me or my service; the little church in Mississippi was created by God according to his will. Their enduring friendship is the blessing God gave to me.

Whether it's our own salvation (spiritual new birth) or the outcome of any ministry, good work, or service we offer, let us always keep clearly in mind who did it. As John Calvin said,
We must always speak of the efficacy of the ministry in such a manner that the entire praise of the work may be reserved for God alone.


Unknown said...

wow, you are right! what a blessing to be able to be used in that manner. Sometimes I lose focus of His Splendor in the city. Hope you are having fun camping.

cookiehawk77 said...

I'm still a bit bothered by the fact that you are sitting at your campsite blogging. For more than one reason. ;-)

jhh said...

I just had to share. In more than one way! :->