Tuesday, February 12, 2008

greater love

My friend Mike, in a recent post, apologized for several days of absence. I have to apologize for a month, and I really haven't been nearly as busy as Mike! However, life happens, and the time gets away if we're not careful to live each day intentionally.

My thoughts today are fairly simple. God has lately been loving on my family like crazy with his blessings. My son is home on leave from his service in Iraq and is doing well. My daughter has been spear-heading the formation of a chapter of a Christian fellowship sorority at her college; I don't know who is more excited, her or me! The presence or absence of such blessings does not measure God's love for us; indeed, God loves us beyond our comprehension, a fact which in unto itself is one complete expression of his character.

Jesus commands us to love each other as he has loved us (John 13:34,35.) His love might be most evident in his accomplishment on earth 2000 years ago, but the depth of his love is daily before me as he cares for me, my family, indeed, all his children. Let us strive for that level of devotion to the people God places in our lives. As Clarence Jordan said,
The measure of a Christian is not in the height of his grasp but in the depth of his love.

1 comment:

ks said...

Nice new look!

And no apologies needed -- it's good to hear from you whenever!