Tuesday, July 29, 2008

being back

I recently alluded to the fact of my family's summer vacation. One of the things that inevitably happens when we return from such a trip is that we get cranky because we are not still gone! I guess it is typical human behavior to complain along with, or rather than, thanking God for his provision of rest and enjoyment along with other blessings. With this in mind, I thought I'd share the comment made by my wife yesterday morning (our first day back) as we prepared for work:

I need some altitude, but I suspect I'll just have attitude.


Schweers' Mom said...

Paula McWilliams described it as "vacation payback."


Robyn Rochelle E. said...

love that wife of yours ;-)
Hugs to you both :-0))))))
Vacation for me comes in November...
Keep me in your prayers - I leave for Hungary tomorrow and just can't seem to get the lead out and get completely ready. So many other things I would rather be doing... i.e. blogs, facebook, BUT - 4:00 am comes and it is now 10:00 pm... guess those things I thought I would surely get done will have to wait for 6 days. It is a working trip.