Monday, October 29, 2007

no, really--thank you!

The last several years, and the last year in particular, have been rough at my church. I have witnessed many casualties as Satan has sniped at our people, especially our leaders. God has done marvelous things in, through, and for the church body over the years, and it should come as no surprise to witness the faithfulness of Jesus Christ during this hard time as he cared for His bride. It has been a time of pruning, a time of growth. I feel that I've had a ring-side seat (better, maybe a seat in the ring!) to witness in operation the principle espoused by Robert Murray M'Cheyne when he said,
I know well that when Christ is nearest, Satan is also busiest.

My purpose in mentioning this is that during our services yesterday, we sought to publicly thank our staff for the extraordinary effort and commitment shown during this time. I believe that any such expression will fall short of what is merited (I think ours certainly did,) so for any of our fine staff who may read this, I want to remind you that it is God who will exalt you at the proper time, and I am certain that there is treasure stored up for you because of your selfless service. And now may I humbly offer to you, my brothers and sisters, my heart-felt thanks for having made yourselves available to God for His use during this difficult year.

1 comment:

Mike Messerli said...

James, thank you...thank you. I so appreciate you, my friend.